Nine Algorithms That Changed the World

Nine Algorithms That Changed the World In the realm of computer science, algorithms reign supreme. They are the step-by-step procedures that enable computers to solve problems and make decisions.1 Some algorithms have had such a profound impact on the field that they have become essential tools for programmers and researchers alike. In this article, we…

Navigating Data Extraction with the Unidash Script: A Deep Dive into Automated Excel Data Scraping

Navigating Data Extraction with the Unidash Script: A Deep Dive into Automated Excel Data Scraping

IntroductionIn the contemporary realm of data management and analytics, the efficacy of data extraction tools is paramount. The “DCS_scrapper.bas”, a sophisticated Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) script, stands as a testament to this need. Designed to adeptly navigate through and extract data from various Excel files, this script exemplifies automation’s role in streamlining data processes….

MS Access Developer

MS Access Developer

Help with design, development or repair of your Microsoft Access database. Some things about me: – 15 years of experience as an independent consultant for Access development projects – Many references. – Masters degree in Biostatistics. – Have taught business development at the Boulder Small Business Development Center. I can wrap my mind around just…

vsnap lisp

vsnap lisp

(DEFUN C:VSNAP (/) ; Sept. 25,97. By V.Mendez ; This function centers an object between two parallel lines. (SETVAR “CMDECHO” 0) (SETQ SelObj (ENTSEL “\nSelect Object : “)) (SETQ BPoint (GETPOINT “\nBase Point : “)) (COMMAND “OSNAP” “NONE”) (COMMAND “OSNAP” “NEA”) (SETQ Point1 (GETPOINT “\nFirst Point [nearest] : “)) (COMMAND “OSNAP” “PER”) (SETQ Point2 (GETPOINT…

Plocky Lisp

Plocky Lisp

(Defun FC (Func N Xo dx) ( (Setq LP ‘()) (Setq Int (/ dx N) (Setq x (-Xo Int)) (Repeat (+ N 1) (Setq x (+x Int)) (Setq y (FuncA x)) (Setq LPP (List x y)) (Setq LP (Cons LPP LP)) ) ) ) (Defun FuncA (V) (* V V) ) (Defun DrawF (ListP) (Setq…

mcrouti3 lisp

mcrouti3 lisp

; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs ; while this command is active… (defun at_err (st) (if (and (/= st “Function cancelled”) (/= st “quit / exit abort”)) (princ (strcat “\nError: ” st)) );end if ;Restore modified modes (setvar “regenmode” 1) (setvar “cmdecho” 1) (if (= (type rtfile) ‘FILE) (close rtfile) );end if (setq…

Tblin AutoLisp Modes

Tblin AutoLisp Modes

(defun c:tblin (/) ;Initialize counters. (setq Row 0) (setq Col 0) ;Change these variables to adjust row and columns. (setq OffCol 2) (setq OffRow 0.2) (setq ColMax 9) (setq eof 0) (setq Filename (FileToRead)) (setq FileHandler (open Filename “r”)) (while (= eof 0) (progn (while (< Col (* OffCol ColMax)) (progn (setq TextIn (read-line FileHandler))…


AutoCAD Fast Lisp Scripts – library of AutoCAD shortcuts and scripts to speed up CAD drafting Legend Lisp – Create a legend of AutoCAD Entities AutoLisp Modes and Tables FLC Simulation in C and C++ Language MS Access Developer

Legend AutoLisp

Legend AutoLisp

(defun C:LEGEND () (prompt “\nBuilding legend list…\n”) ;Set variable to get the first element of table. (setq Frst T) (setq Counter 0) (setq CountBlk 0) ;Get all block names. (while (setq Tbdata (tblnext “BLOCK” Frst)) (setq Bname (dxf 2 Tbdata)) ;print all block names. (if (/= Bname nil) ;Discard dimension blocks. (if (/= “*” (substr…

AutoCAD lisp Shortcuts

;;; SHORCUTS BY V. MENDEZ   ;;; SHORCUTS BY V. MENDEZ ;SHOWS THE BLOCK NAME OF AN ENTITY (DEFUN C:BB(/ bb name) (SETQ bb(entget(car(entsel)))) (SETQ name (cdr(assoc 2 bb))) (SETQ name (strcat “Block Name… ” name)) (ALERT name) (princ) ) ;SHOWS THE LAYER NAME OF AN ENTITY (DEFUN C:CC(/ bb name) (SETQ bb(entget(car(entsel)))) (SETQ name…

Block AutoLISP Shortcuts

;;; SHORCUTS BY V. MENDEZ ;SHOWS THE BLOCK NAME OF AN ENTITY (DEFUN C:BB(/ bb name) (SETQ bb(entget(car(entsel)))) (SETQ name (cdr(assoc 2 bb))) (SETQ name (strcat “Block Name… ” name)) (ALERT name) (princ) ) ;SHOWS THE LAYER NAME OF AN ENTITY (DEFUN C:CC(/ bb name) (SETQ bb(entget(car(entsel)))) (SETQ name (cdr(assoc 8 bb))) (SETQ name (strcat…

Training Tracking 101 . Allena Software

Founder and developer of Training Tracking 101. A software company that creates affordable, easy to learn and implement database desktop solutions. As an entrepreneur I; research, designed, wrote programming code and performed testing and debugging of applications using programming languages and technologies. Designed and created graphics and content for software products, support, website and marketing…



The Importance of Training Tracking in Modern Organizations In today’s fast-paced business environment, continuous learning and development are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Training tracking systems have become an essential tool for organizations aiming to ensure their workforce remains skilled and compliant with industry standards. This article explores the significance of training tracking and…

AutoCAD/MS Access Frontends with SQL Backend Integration

AutoCAD/MS Access Frontends with SQL Backend Integration Problem: Each Sub-Department at the Utilities Department of the University of Colorado at Boulder have specific requirements for spatial and spatial data and often, there is an overlap of information crucial to these sub-departments; operations, maintenance, management, etc. Equipment data is stored and maintained in an SQL database…

FLC Simulation

FLC Simulation

A computer simulation application that applies statistical mechanics to predict pre-synthesis of Liquid Crystal properties from chemical structure is needed. As well as the creation of calculation, videoand data manipulation tools and a user interface. read more …