The Pub Having Some Great Music On A Monday Night
Monday night, decided to go with “the Dudes” (the Dudes are my neighbors. “The Dude” and the “Other Dude”) To The Pub to listen to some great music.
Monday night, decided to go with “the Dudes” (the Dudes are my neighbors. “The Dude” and the “Other Dude”) To The Pub to listen to some great music.
Boulder is a great place to express yourself dancing on the street celebrating summer
After a nice afternoon drinking wine in my balcony I joined The Dude for a beer at the West End Tavern and some live music
Let’s celebrate. It’s alrright !! Woot Woot
Me and Zohar decided to go to The Ritz in downtown Boulder looking for a Halloween costume. She found some weird coats and hat. It does not require much to get this girl dancing. She lovesss shopping and trying things on. ? Of course she found an afro wig and had to give it a…