20250310 1225
I’ve received you text
I’ve received you text
hola good morning
These are article directories with a high pagerank that accept articles in Spanish and have DoFollow enabled. http://www.suite101.net/ http://goarticles.com http://www.thefreelibrary.com/ http://knol.google.com/ http://technorati.com/ http://www.squidoo.com
Hanging out with Bollywood Teacher and couple of friends at the Boulder Green Streets on a beautiful Sunday
Monday night, decided to go with “the Dudes” (the Dudes are my neighbors. “The Dude” and the “Other Dude”) To The Pub to listen to some great music.
Boulder is a great place to express yourself dancing on the street celebrating summer
After a nice afternoon drinking wine in my balcony I joined The Dude for a beer at the West End Tavern and some live music
Facebook Experiment #1 This experiment made me realize to never take the obvious path whenever it comes to internet marketing. Why? Read about it below. Trying to promote my children story website I decided to go to facebook and create a few ads. I figure the demographics are easy. I’ll target male or females with…
Facebook has its own self serve advertising platform. Trying to get customers to one of my website I decided to give it try. First, I decided to use broad demographics and the ROI and CTR was terrible. Then, while reading the twitter account of an expert online advertiser I found a link to facebook Pages…
In my search to get better rankings for my dad’s website www.loscuentosinfantiles.com, I’ve been experimenting with different strategies. Frequent Posting Back in December 2010 I decided to post almost everyday to see if posting will improve my rankings. At the beginning of Decemeber the website was at position 126 under “cuentos infantiles“. A month later,…
A little less than a month ago I started my own SEO challenge. I decided then that I was going to sistematly rank my dad’s website to the first page of google. Since december 8, 2010 I have been looking a diferent how-to articles I can write about. This is, since it is a children’s…
?- The Best Compliment – Today I received the best compliment a stranger has given me. I went to the UMC (CU cafeteria) today to buy a banana. The cashier (around 50 yo) told me; “It is $42.00” – I said; “sure charge it”. She then asked me if my parents get the bill and…
1. Wonder about what’s on my mind 2. Share something with my co-worker 3. Tweeted; “Facebook is down” 4. Considered masturbation but then remembered I was at work 5. Discovered I have a window in my office and half a sandwich in a drawer. WFT ?? 6. Check if Facebook was back on. Nope …….
Let’s celebrate. It’s alrright !! Woot Woot
– Happy birthday little blue one. You are so alive and patience. You have always been the mediator between that crazy couple. SHE IS HOT, HE IS COLD. Sorry you have to put up with Venus and Mars.
This is an Art Installation at CU Visual Arts building. It seems it is an altar with everything that represents meditation, death and life.
The simple way to order good-quality, low-cost translation. Trusted worldwide. http://mygengo.com/
Old Chicago has the key to happiness. Bunch of fried stuff covered with cheese. Yum !
On tuesday, September 15, 2009 I had a dance presentation with grupo Macondo (www.macondodance.com) at the Boulder Library. At the north entrance of the Boulder library I found this cute piece of art. This sculpture is part of Open Studios art exhibit going on until October 11, 2009 at the Boulder library. Don’t miss out…