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Getting Ready for Halloween
Me and Zohar decided to go to The Ritz in downtown Boulder looking for a Halloween costume. She found some weird coats and hat. It does not require much to get this girl dancing. She lovesss shopping and trying things on. ? Of course she found an afro wig and had to give it a…

Happy Birthday Little Blue One
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Cool Rides: Lady on Polar Bear
At the Boulder Library Open art studios Exhibit I fond this cool ride sculture. Remember, to always ask an expert when in doubt. Visit your public library.

Want the Key To Happiness?
Old Chicago has the key to happiness. Bunch of fried stuff covered with cheese. Yum !
CBMap Re-Design
Micromango Studios did a fabulous job not only with the design of my web site but also with its functionality. For the first time, I have easy access to content allowing me to personally ensure that web site information is up-to-date. Victor also had many useful suggestions on how to improve functionality, extending my web…